Click Stream, News, and Clip Links Below:
- Bryson Gray x @Mayor Of Magaville x Stoney Dudebro – KYRIE MODE
- She deleted her Twitter account
- democrats cope over red wave polls
- KJP Attempts To Restore Order As Press Briefing Erupts Into Chaos
- Biden avoids public Election Day appearance, taping radio interview and calling ‘lid’ before noon
- Is identifying as a dragon ANY different to biological men claiming to be women? Contentious journal article warns of ‘absurd consequences’ of pro-trans argument
- Stunning poll: 44% of voters see “secret cabal”
- “Nothing Is Working” – Arizona Poll Worker Responds to Maricopa County Tabulator Issues – Issues with Machines are Now Reported in Wickenburg, AZ
- The voting machine hacking threat you probably haven’t heard about
- Early election night results might not indicate final tallies (and why that’s OK)
- DDHQ General Results